I don't even know how to start this post. I don't know how to tell you about mine and Lauren's history. Not that I'm trying to steal Pete's glory or anything but me and Lauren.. well we go back. We've come a long way since our glory days filled with boating, classic rock, the gas station, drama club, and camp fires. We've come a long way since our emo princess days filled with frozen cheesecakes, depressing mixed cds, malibu and mean girls. Yes we've come a long way from planning out our lives as old maids together. Who would have thought our luck would turn around.
If ever there was two people that were made for each other it's Lauren and Pete. No seriously. Our little group let Pete join our coffee and wine dates. Which are normally sacred events. So you know he's good people. I have been waiting... and waiting.... and waiting... and nagging Pete... and begging Pete for this. So when he finally asked me if I was free to photograph his proposal I about passed out! Lauren and Pete just bought the most adorable little house. so we walked around down town Point and then went back to their place so Pete could pop the question. During which I was hyperventilating and shaking.
I wish this photo did justice what is a fabulously large yellow diamond. bah! love!
aaaaaaaaand... let the wedding planning begin
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